Book update

Posted April 22, 2020 by Leslie in Hope Amid the Pain / 0 Comments

It’s been a couple months since I posted about my book’s progress, mainly because I didn’t have any updates. However, that’s no longer the case.

As you know, it’s been a bit crazy over the past few months. I’ve had difficulty focusing. However, I was determined to work on my book.

I recently participated in a Twitter pitch. I had people comment how excited they were about my book. They felt it hit a definite need, as there are so many women dealing with chronic pain and chronic illness. I even had a publisher express interest 😀

I’ve been fine tuning things via hard copy, as you can see by the following photo:


I’m thrilled to say that over the weekend, I (figuratively) typed the magic words:


As it’s a devotional book, I didn’t really type those words, but the feelings were the same: joy, relief, and a bit of disbelief. I’ve been working on this book for about three years. It was a little surreal to realize that I was “done” … or at least as I could be with it for now. Finished to the point that I feel confident to send it out into the world (well, to publishing houses/editors, at least). And that’s what I did.

In 2019, I attended the Breathe Conference (which is fabulous, by the way!), and I had some editors express an interest in reading my manuscript when it was finished. Earlier this week, I sent it out to one of those editors. And now, the waiting begins.

It’s hard to describe just what I’m feeling. I’m excited, of course, but I’m also terrified. Sure, the editor liked the sample I showed it to him last year, but what if he feels differently now? But, as God reminded, what if he doesn’t?

Putting my book out there and sharing my personal story? It’s scary! Much more so than I thought it would be. However, I know that God has plans for everything I’ve gone through (and am still going through). I believe He will my use my experiences, the ups and down, to help others. To remind them not to give up. To keep on dreaming big. To hold on to HOPE!

Anyway, back to my book update…

I don’t know how long it will take to hear back from this publisher. This is likely just the beginning of a (potentially) long journey. I will keep you posted as I continue to travel down this road toward publication. I have more pitches and publishers that I intend to pursue if nothing comes from this query.

I thank everyone for their support.

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