“Christmas in Idaho” by Ray Downing … and a GIVEAWAY!

Posted November 9, 2021 by Leslie in Reviews by Leslie / 6 Comments

Welcome to Takeover Tuesday!


You can enter to win an electronic copy of Christmas in Idaho by Ray Downing, courtesy of the author. You can enter by using the Rafflecopter link at the bottom of this post. (Contest ends November 16, 2021.) Share on XIf you’re the chosen winner, I’ll contact you for your information to pass along. 


The story behind the story…

93% of Americans celebrate Christmas — it’s been that way for a quarter of a
century, according to a 2018 Gallup poll.

Yet, in 2020 the number of adults who identified themselves as Christians
dropped from 78% in 2010 to 65%. With each passing year, Christmas is becoming less Christian.

It is no longer clear what is being celebrated. Blame it on the pandemic, fault decades of commercial exploitation, finger everyone who has commandeered Christmas for their own ends — the bottom line is Christmas is being trivialized.

It’s time to hit the reset button. 

I am an Emmy-award winning 3D computer graphics artist known for bringing Jesus back to life for millions of viewers worldwide on the History Channel special titled “The Real Face of Jesus?”.

This holiday season I am using my artistic skills to reclaim Christmas with the release of a new book, titled Christmas in Idaho. It is a faith-filled tale which radiates the wondrous spirit of the season and delivers Jesus as the gift we did not expect.


My review…

This is a charming, keepsake-book filled with lovely illustrations to complement a snowman’s experience with Christmas. The print copy comes with an audio CD which contains background music and sound effects to accompany the narration. The music is a perfect complement to the story, and the author’s writing is descriptive, even without the book’s illustrations. This book and CD combo would make a lovely family-time activity which could become a tradition.


Purchase link


About Ray…


Ray Downing is an Emmy Award winner 3D computer graphics illustrator and
animator. In a career that spans three decades, Downing has produced artwork for the scientific, medical and broadcast industries. His latest work — a series of animations of Christ — appeared in two History Channel specials titled “The Real Face of Jesus?” and “Jesus: the Lost 40 Days.” Previously, Downing had created a series of illustrations and animations of President Abraham Lincoln which appeared in another History Channel special titled “Stealing Lincoln’s Body.” In this current project — a Christmas book titled “Christmas in Idaho” — Downing’s interest in art, science and religion come together to create an emotionally charged and lavishly illustrated Christmas story — a journey of discovery which questions our understanding of time and explores the possibility of immortality.


Rules for giveaway can be found here.

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6 responses to ““Christmas in Idaho” by Ray Downing … and a GIVEAWAY!

  1. Heather Klitsch

    Sounds very interesting. Yes I agree Christmas has been too materialized and that is a shame