Hope-Filled Sunday: 1 Kings 19:12 – God’s Still, Small Voice

Posted June 13, 2021 by Leslie in Words of Hope / 0 Comments

Hope-filled Sunday! 



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Happy Sunday! Here’s some encouragement for your week.



1,440. That’s the number of minutes each one of us has in a day. Granted, some of them are spent sleeping, but many of those minutes occur during our waking hours. Do you use those precious moments wisely? I admit I’m guilty of not always making the best use of my time … and that includes not always setting aside time to listen to what the Lord wants to tell me in His still, small voice.


On occasion, the Lord drops reminders to let me know He has something to say. A Bible verse will pop into my head or a poignant song will come on the radio. This will often happen during the busyness of the day, and it rarely fails to catch my attention and remind me that those everyday tasks provide the perfect opportunity to spend time in God’s presence. 


God doesn’t always speak to, or answer, us when, or in the ways, we expect. Like Elijah in today’s verse, we may be waiting for the big, booming voice coming from an earthquake or fire. In reality, it’s far more likely God will speak to us in a whisper.


If we want to hear God's gentle voice, we need to learn to be silent. Share on X


We may think we’re not even on God’s radar. However, the truth is that we’re failing to listen. He’s speaking to us. But in order to hear Him, we must first quiet ourselves. Take full advantage of every precious moment of each day. Use that time while you’re waiting in line or doing a mindless activity to check in with the Lord. He has so much He wants to share with you.


Lord, forgive us for when we let the busyness of  life crowd you out, and help us to seek Your presence daily.


Have a blessed day. Gentle hugs to all of you. ?


If you’d like to read more Hope-Filled Sunday posts, click here.

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