Hope-Filled Sunday: Be Thankful in All Circumstances

Posted February 14, 2021 by Leslie in Hope Amid the Pain / 2 Comments

Hope-filled Sunday!


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Happy Sunday, and Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s another verse from my devotional book.


1 Thes. 5:16-18 NLT


It’s all too easy to focus on what we don’t have, how we wish we were different, etc. And social media tends to reinforce the point of how someone else seems better off than we may be. Often times, though, social media posts cause us to compare our bad days to someone’s great day while overlooking the bad days they don’t share. It’s common to look at the tiny flaw versus the bigger picture.

Happiness in life often depends on one’s perspective. What we focus on guides how we feel about and respond to life’s circumstances.

It’s okay to be upset when things don’t go as we’d hoped in life. But, as long as we’re still alive, it’s important to remember that God’s not finished with us yet. And with Him, anything is possible. So, don’t allow your mind to get stuck on the less-than-ideal moments. Change the channel! Shift your focus to the little blessings you may be missing. Praise God. Send up prayers when you start to worry. Never forget that God can, and will, use you right where you are. Share on X


Have a blessed day. Gentle hugs to all of you. ?



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