Hope-Filled Sunday!
Happy Sunday! Here’s some encouragement for your week.
No doubts.
Is that something you can say regarding your relationship with the Lord? Are you someone who never questions whether or not God is working on your behalf?
Many people, myself included, likely have doubts on occasion, such as when something unexpected happens. Or perhaps you believe that the issues you’re facing are not important enough—that you’re not important enough—for God to pay attention to your life. While having these thoughts at times are quite common, they’re also quite false.
God wants us to have no doubts about Him working on our behalf at all times. Share on X
God always has our best interest in mind. But the enemy wants us to doubt God’s love, His help, and even His presence. The enemy wants us to believe we’ve been abandoned and are left alone, helpless, to face life on our own.
So how do we combat the lies? We need to believe God’s Word more than our feelings. Be encouraged by today’s verse. Allow it to strengthen your faith.
Lord, help me to never doubt Your love and to remain confident that You are working on my behalf for my good. Amen.
NOTE: I wanted to let you know that I will be taking a hiatus in my #hopeflledsunday posts. This will likely last, at a minimum, through May, but it may go beyond that. If you’ve read some of my other posts lately, you will know that I have felt the Lord telling me that I need to cut back a bit, and I am trying to listen to Him, as well as my body. I will still be around, checking on comments and posting small things here and there as I feel led to do. During this time, you, my friends and readers, will be in my prayers.
If you’d like to read more Hope-Filled Sunday posts, click here.
Take care of yourself. Hope you are refreshed.
Thanks so much, Vickie.
We’ll miss your Sunday encouraging posts and will be praying the Lord will give you rest and refresh your body and spirit. Relax and rest in Him.
Thanks, Judythe. I appreciate the kind words and prayers. I will be back, for sure.