Hope-filled Sunday!
Happy Sunday! Here’s some encouragement for your week.
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” What a powerful truth. And in my case, it’s a much needed reminder.
For many, fears and anxieties have been at a heightened level over the past year (and for me, that’s putting it mildly!). And for those living with chronic pain and illness, that increase often causes symptoms to spiral out of control. Which, in turn, ramps up those fears and anxieties. It’s a vicious cycle.
The Enemy knows just how to use those situations to his advantage. And trust me, use them he will! He will do anything and everything possible to take our focus off the One who promises that, while we’ll face trials, we’ll never face them alone (Joshua 1:9).
King David faced an enemy’s attack. In this instance, it was slander (Psalm 56:5, 8). He knew where his strength came from, and David knew who he could trust. As a result, David was certain that “mere mortals” could do nothing to harm him (Psalm 56:4). And the same is true for us.
Psalm 56:3 is a reminder that the powers trying to work against us are very limited. Share on XWhat battle are you facing today? Take it to God. Talk to Him. He’s willing to fight it with you. Allow Him to do so.
Lord, when I’m afraid, remind me that I can put my trust in you. There is nothing mere mortals can do with You on my side. Amen.
Have a blessed day. Gentle hugs to all of you. ?