Hope-filled Sunday!
Happy Sunday! Here’s another verse from my devotional book.
I love this verse because it’s a reminder of just how much we mean to the Lord.
Luke mentions sparrows, which are a common, plentiful bird. He points out how valuable they are to God. We are made in God’s likeness, and each of us is unique. Yet He knows every hair on our head. And, He knows every pain we feel, every tear we cry, and every victory (big and small) we experience. Share on X Nothing goes unnoticed.
So the next time you feel overlooked, undervalued, or less than because you live with chronic pain and illness, remember this verse. Those thoughts are not from the Lord. It’s the Enemy trying to convince you of what you are NOT.
Instead, listen to God’s truths. You are valued. You are His. You are loved.
Have a blessed day. Gentle hugs to all of you. 

If you’d like to read more Hope-Filled Sunday posts, click here.