Tuesday Tip
I’ve shared similar tips before, but as the holidays approach, it’s worth a reminder.
Today’s Tuesday Tip is something that’s important for anyone, all year long. However, for those living with chronic pain and illness, it’s especially important to remember these around the holidays: Don’t overdo it for the holidays.
Everyone wants the holidays to be as perfect as they can be so we can have a memorable time with our friends and loved ones. However, in doing so, we can quickly use up our limited supply of daily spoons (energy) if we’re not careful. So here are a few tips to keep in mind this holiday season:Â
- Shop in small spurts or, even better, online.Â
- Delegate activities when possible. Maybe there’s that one special item that only you know how to make. Keep that on your list, but let others help. Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask, if needed.
- Simplify wherever possible. For instance, delivery services are a great option for conserving spoons. And food can still taste great even if it’s not made from scratch.
- Don’t feel guilty for saying “no.” Do the activities you truly enjoy doing, and pass on the others.
- Relax when needed (and as much as needed). You’re allowed to enjoy the holidays, too. It just may look a bit different for you, and that’s okay.
Are there any other tips you can suggest to help people (especially Spoonies) get through, and enjoy, the holiday season? If so, please share them in the comments.
I hope you have a blessed, low-pain day.
Click here to read more Tuesday Tips.