Tuesday Tip: Lessons Learned While Living with Chronic Pain and Illness (part 1)

Posted June 11, 2024 by Leslie in Hope Amid the Pain / 2 Comments

Tuesday Tip




When you live with chronic pain and illness, it’s easy to focus on the negatives—what you no longer can do. However, in today’s Tuesday Tip, I wanted to offer a few lessons I’ve learned over the years. I have six points, and I’ll be sharing them over the course of two posts (this one and another on June 25, 2024).


  • Your pain and feelings are valid.: Don’t let anyone ever try to tell you otherwise! You know you better than anyone else. 
  • It’s not selfish to put yourself first.: You can’t be there for anyone else if you aren’t there for yourself first! (This one is so important, but it’s also one that so many of us struggle with on a regular basis.) Do what you need to do conserve your spoons (energy) so that you can be there for yourself and others. 
  • Look for the positive, no matter how small, each day.: I keep a daily gratitude journal for this purpose. Some days, listing three items is easy. Other days, I have to work a bit harder at it. And on those days, I like to look back over some of my past entries to remind myself that there are so many blessings, and they truly do overshadow the negatives … even if my mind tries to make me believe otherwise.


These are just a few points to consider. I’ll share three more in a post on June 25, 2024. 


Are there any lessons you’ve learned? Or is there something here you want/need to work on? Feel free to share in the comments.


I hope you have a blessed, low-pain day.


Click here to read more Tuesday Tips.

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2 responses to “Tuesday Tip: Lessons Learned While Living with Chronic Pain and Illness (part 1)

  1. Christy

    I keep an album on my phone called pain. It’s full of pictures of people who love me and would miss me if I was gone. It’s also full of things, people that make me happy like my garden, vacations, funny memes and loads of scripture. When I’m in pain and can’t do anything I look at the album. I also have a friend with chronic pain. We have a pact that we won’t end our lives because we need each other. Morbid, but that’s my reality.

    • Having an album on your phone is a great option! Thanks for sharing that, Christy. I will have to remember that. That sounds like an easy to-go-to option on the bad days. And I’m glad you have a friend so that you can be there for each other. It’s important to have those people and reminders that you are loved and needed. 🤗

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