Tuesday Tip: Lessons Learned While Living with Chronic Pain and Illness (part 2)

Posted June 25, 2024 by Leslie in Hope Amid the Pain / 0 Comments

Tuesday Tip



Today’s Tuesday Tip post is the continuation of my post from June 11, 2024. I’m sharing three more lessons I’ve learned over the years.


  • Stay in the moment.: It’s important to slow down and be present. Society these days almost requires us to multitask. I used to, but my increased brain fog and other issues has made it much harder to do that. I used to think that was a bad thing, but I’ve learned that it’s not. Focusing on this day, this moment, is key. After all, it’s the only thing we can be sure of, as we can’t change the past, and the future is never promised.
  • Greater empathy for others.: When you live with chronic pain and illness, it gives you a greater understanding for what others may be going through that isn’t visible. We know how we’re treated, and how we deserve to be treated, so it’s easier to keep that in mind when interacting with others. It’s true when they say everyone is dealing with something, at all times, that no one else can see.
  • Find joy in the little things.: While there are some activities I can no longer do, or do in the way I used to do even a year or two ago, that doesn’t mean there aren’t things I can still do and enjoy. In fact, I’ve found a number of things that are bringing me such joy that I wish I’d “discovered” them earlier. Some activities I regularly enjoy include: bird watching (which I absolutely LOVE!), jigsaw puzzles, reading, riding in the car and enjoying nature and time with loved ones, and bingewatching some of my favorite shows without multitasking!


Are there any lessons you’ve learned? Feel free to share them in the comments.


I hope you have a blessed, low-pain day.


Click here to read more Tuesday Tips.


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