Tuesday Tip

Today’s Tuesday Tip: Support can come in many forms!
Once upon a time, having online friends was viewed as weird, perhaps even creepy, but times have certainly changed! Over the past decade (well, even longer, actually), society has become very dependent on the internet. It has opened new doors in multiple ways. And for me, and perhaps you, one of those ways is online support from others with chronic pain and chronic illness.
A lot of people, myself included, who live with chronic pain and illness (generally referred to as “spoonies”) don’t have many people in their daily, in-person lives who truly “get it.” Online spoonie communities are thriving, thanks to various social media sites. Share on XÂ Those sites may get a bad rap on occasion, but there are good things about them, too. And over the past few years, it’s become very obvious that they can be beneficial in multiple ways, from doing business to developing relationships. Online friendships are just as real as friendships you have with people who live in your neighborhood, work with you, or go to school with you. Don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise. The biggest difference is that these online friends also live with chronic pain and illness, so they understand you in ways others can’t. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
If you are still looking for your “people,” comment below. I will do my best to help you find places where you may be able to find those online spoonie support groups.
I hope you have a blessed, low-pain day.
Click here to read more Tuesday Tips.