Tuesday Tip
Today’s Tuesday Tip is something that’s hard for many people, including myself, to remember: You don't have to be strong all the time. Share on X
Being honest about your struggles can be scary. It’s often easier to hide them and say that everything is fine. But, you know what? It’s totally okay to admit that everything is not fine. It’s okay to be honest, even when society may seem to say otherwise. It’s okay to break down now and again. You don’t have to put up a front and be strong all the time. You’re human. And that’s hard enough. When you live with chronic pain and illness, it takes life to a whole different level. And sometimes, it’s hard to carry it all. It’s okay to just go through the motions and do what you need to do to get through the moment or day.
You never know whether or not the struggle or perceived weakness you’re trying to cover up or hide is the exact thing God has lined up for you to use to encourage others. This is something I’ve learned over the past few years. I had never intended to share my story, but God had different plans, and He used my book, Hope Amid the Pain, to do just that. It’s still hard for me at times, as I don’t want others to perceive me as weak … even though some of it may be that I don’t want to admit to myself that I’m not able to do all I used to be able to do or all I currently want to do. Learning to be okay with that truth is something I’m working through with God. And when I do share, it’s not to garner sympathy or show how strong I am. I am only strong because God gets me through each moment. I have accepted that God has me on this journey for a reason, for His purpose. I share my story and struggles in hopes of reminding others that they’re not alone and someone “gets it.”
How about you? Do you feel the need to be strong all the time? Or are you able to let down your guard and be upfront and honest about what you’re going through? Or does it depend on the situation?
Have a blessed, low-pain day.
Click here to read more Tuesday Tips.