Tuesday Tip: You’re Still Worthy Even When…

Posted February 11, 2025 by Leslie in Hope Amid the Pain / 0 Comments

Tuesday Tip


A graphic that states: Tuesday TipYou're still worthy even when...

Today’s Tuesday Tip is something that’s important for everyone to remember: You’re still worthy even when…


Growing up, I never thought I’d find myself living with chronic pain and illness. And I sure never thought it would be something that could cause others to look down on me, view me as less than, make me question my self-worth, etc. I was taught to be kind to others, patient with those who are different, etc. I thought others would do the same. In fact, there are several places in the Bible to reinforce this, such as this verse:


Ephesians 4:32
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
However, today’s society is one that’s not designed to be kind to everyone and compassionate with those who are different.


So in case anyone has made you believe otherwise, I wanted to take a moment to remind you that You’re Still Worthy Even When… 


  • Your to-do list is unfinished.
  • You struggle to get out of bed and get dressed.
  • You need to use a mobility device.
  • It takes you longer to do a task or you have to cancel your plans.
  • People don’t understand that chronic means “persisting for a long time,” and it can’t be fixed by doing yoga, drinking more water, exercising, etc. 


In fact, all you really need to remember is that you are worthy just because you exist! You are God’s precious creation. He loves you just as you are … and that’s really all that truly matters!


I hope you have a blessed, low-pain day.



Click here to read more Tuesday Tips.

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