Hope-Filled Sunday: It’s Not Fair!

Posted November 13, 2022 by Leslie in Devotions, Words of Hope / 2 Comments

Hope-Filled Sunday!


HOPE Amid the Pain header

Happy Sunday! Here’s some encouragement for your week.



“It’s not fair!” 


How many times have you heard that phrase? From your child, a friend, a coworker? Perhaps even yourself? Odds are, if you’re like most people, it’s something you’ve heard, and said, many times during your life. It’s a phrase that often pops up in relation to an unjust situation. And while we all, likely, say and think that something’s unfair, there’s one truth that’s hard to accept at times: nobody ever said life was going to be fair.


Some people believe that Christians have it easy. That they don't experience the same hardships as others. Sadly, that's not the case. Click To Tweet There are many examples in the Bible of people who struggled and faced things that didn’t seem fair. In fact, Jesus is a prime example. He never committed a single sin, yet He was sentenced to die … for you and for me. And that certainly doesn’t seem fair. He knew what He was facing, but He never once said “It’s not fair!” Jesus knew His Father had a purpose for His life, and dying on the cross was part of that plan. So He forged ahead instead of questioning.


As humans, we often question things. And while there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, it may not always serve a purpose, aside from getting us upset, stressed, etc. I want to challenge you to take a look at some of the things you’ve complained about in the past week. Write them down. Then, turn them over to the Lord. Let Him know that while those circumstances may seem unfair, you won’t let it ruin your relationship with Him. Instead, you’ll trust Him, knowing that it’s all a part of His plan and that He’s working things out for your good.


Lord, life doesn’t always seem fair, but that doesn’t give me a reason to stop trusting You, knowing that You are working on my behalf. Amen. 


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