Hope-Filled Sunday: Keep Your Eyes on the Lord

Posted July 10, 2022 by Leslie in Devotions, Words of Hope / 0 Comments

Hope-Filled Sunday!


HOPE Amid the Pain header


Happy Sunday! Here’s some encouragement for your week.



Do you ever lay awake questioning every decision you’ve made over the course of the day, week, month, or year? Please tell me you can relate and that I’m not the only one who engages in this pointless activity. In these situations, my mind is filled with questions as I overanalyze Every. Single. Thing. But, does this actually change or solve anything? Sadly, no. It only leads to a sleepless night.

As Christ-followers, we were never guaranteed a worry-free life. But, there is only so much we can do, and sometimes, no matter how much we worry, things are beyond our control. Click To Tweet All we can do is pray and turn things over to the Lord. And once we do that, we need to remember that we can trust Him. Overanalyzing our situations and decisions only adds to our stress and pain levels. So, if you’ve gone to the Lord in prayer about a situation, you’ve done what you can do. Keep your eyes on the Lord. Allow Him to guide you, and trust Him with the decisions you’re making.


Lord, remind me that You are trustworthy in every circumstance, so there is no need to second-guess myself after I’ve come to You for direction. Amen.


If you’d like to read more Hope-Filled Sunday posts, click here.

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