Hope-Filled Sunday: Number Our Days

Posted January 8, 2023 by Leslie in Devotions, Words of Hope / 0 Comments

Hope-Filled Sunday!



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Happy Sunday! Here’s some encouragement for your week.



Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to believe that we just started a new year. While at times 2022 seemed to go by so slowly, at other times, it felt like it flew by. I have realized over the years just how quickly life goes by (and that seems to be particularly true ever since I left high school many years ago!). And some days, it’s hard to even keep straight what day of the week it is. I use calendars and planners, which does help quite a bit. But I do still need to look at them, at times, to remember what day it is.

Today's Bible verse is a reminder to think about how we actually spend each of those days we have here on earth. Click To Tweet

Whether we like it or not, time keeps moving forward. To “number our days” is a reminder to pay attention to what we do over the course of a day, week, month, and year. It’s a reminder to prioritize things. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t have downtime in our days. However, we do want to be sure that we focus on what, and who, matters most to us. We each have twenty-four hours in a day, and I’m sure we have all said on occasion that we just do not have enough time. The truth is, we have the time, but we may not know the best way to manage it.

Psalm 90 was written by Moses—someone who didn’t truly start serving the Lord until he was 80 years old. He reminds us that our lives are short, so we need to be conscious of our decisions to make good use of that time. Doing so requires that we have wisdom, which comes from the Lord.

I think the last few years have shown us that life is fragile and all too short in the scope of things. but time has a different meaning to God. The best way to avoid despair in his current life is to turn to Him and ask Him to help us learn to number our days. Ask Him how to best use the precious gift of life He has given us. How to ensure that our moments are filled with a sense of purpose…the one that He has lined up for us.


Lord, teach us to make the most of the time we have so that we can accomplish all You have set out for us, while also making a lasting significance in the lives of those around us. Amen. 


If you’d like to read more Hope-Filled Sunday posts, click here.

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