Tuesday Tip: It’s Okay to Ask for a Second Opinion

Posted March 19, 2024 by Leslie in Hope Amid the Pain / 0 Comments

Tuesday Tip


It's okay to ask for a second opinion.


Today’s Tuesday Tip: It’s okay to ask for a second opinion!


When you live with chronic pain and illness, you likely see your fair share of medical providers.  Some are probably better than others. Some may not have the best bedside manner, but they are willing to listen to you and work with you. However, it’s also quite likely that you will see providers who are just the opposite. They gaslight you. They make you feel like you’re a burden because you ask questions you have every right to ask. They offer up “solutions” without providing a reason or explaining why they feel it’s the right option. 


Most people are taught to respect doctors and their opinions. As a result, it may be difficult to ask for a second opinion. However, it’s important to remember that it’s your health. You are the one who has to live with each decision you make, as well as the consequences of that decision. They may suggest what they believe is the right option you, but only you can decide if you feel they are working in your best interest. Doctors may be knowledgeable, but they are also human. They don't know it all. Click To Tweet


Sadly, in today’s society, you are often viewed as just another name on the doctor’s schedule. They’re not the ones waiting to hear back on test results or other options since the last treatment plan failed. And if you feel unease about what they are recommending, you can tell them “No.” You can say you need time to consider your options. It’s okay to ask for a second opinion. And, perhaps most importantly, you can talk to God and ask Him for direction on how best to proceed, since He’s the one who truly knows you best. 


I hope you have a blessed, low-pain day.


Click here to read more Tuesday Tips.

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